Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Day in the Sun!

Yesterday morning we decided to go to the pool. . . it has been such a hot summer already, so the pool is a great choice of activities! Plus. . . the kids love the water! Some of our friends came over to cool off with us. . . Jeff and Sarah Shands:) We spent most of the morning swimming, then ate a picnic lunch, and did a little more swimming after lunch. We finally went back to our house so the kids could play. . .and the little ones ( Jack and Emily) could nap. We later got ready and had an early dinner at Casa Mexicana! It was a fun day:) We had a blast hanging with our friends. . . everyone was exhausted after dinner, so bedtime came early that night:)

Drew, Preston, and Kendall waiting to get in!

(Thanks for listening kids:)

The patience was running thin. . . they were

checking to see if we were ever coming to the water!

Kendall was excited about something!

Drew swimming without floaties. . .
he is a pretty good swimmer!
The guys. . . with the babies. . . what good husbands we have!

Sorry for the angle. . . just a sweet picture of Jack snoozing!

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