Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Landyn!

Today Drew had another birthday party to go to. One of his best little buddies from school, Landyn, turned 4! We knew that there was going to be a waterslide, apparently the "in" thing this summer! It is a great idea. . .the kids absolutely love it, but it keeps the parents on their toes! I don't consider myself an "Over" protective mother, but I want all my kids to be safe. We made sure they got out of the bottom pool before the next kid went down, and definitely they had to go one at a time down the slide. Even with small rules. . .the kids were having so much fun! Some how Landyn ended up hiting Drew in the face with his head. . . there were a few tears. . . and a little blood. . . and one fat lip, but that only slowed Drew down for a few moments. What a few minutes of TLC from mom will do:) The party was a hit and I had to stay over a few extra minutes to let Drew and Landyn slide together (after everyone else had left). Happy 4th birthday Landyn!!!

Drew at the top of the slide. . . he has no fear!

This made me nervous. . .they were jumping onto the slide!

Landyn opening his gifts!

Incredible hulk hands. . .the favorite present!

Everyone wanted them! (look at Drew's face)

After everyone left. . .Landyn's mom wanted to try out the slide!

The boys thought that was so fun:)

We let the boys go down together once they were by

themselves. . . they loved it! It was like a little race!

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