Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's Time to Play!

This afternoon I borrowed Karis and Brayden Lemonds:) Their mommy, Amanda, had a meeting for a couple of hours, so they came to play! Like I have said in earlier posts, the kids love it when there is no agenda accept free time to play! They were non stop. . .they did take a few moments to settle down long enough to eat a little dinner, but the moments were very FEW! It is always so funny to watch kids play. . .specifically mine. I love to see their imaginations run wild. . . the toys they choose to play with. . . the energy in which they play with (anyone figured out how to bottle it up yet?) As always, it was another successful playdate with our buddies Karis and Brayden! Kendall and Drew love spending time with them and have gotten used to seeing them at least once a week:) I hope we can keep up the pace when summer is over, because I think my kids will be sad without their "fix" of the Lemonds' each week:) It will be hard during the school year, but I am up to the challenge! I had to take some pictures, of course, because they are always doing something so cute!

Drew and Brayden had on matching t- shirts! They are too cute:)

Kendall opened the door to the play house to say "Hello!"

Kendall and Karis! The two little princesses were ready for dinner!

I found Karis sitting like this. . .all the other were playing in the closet! Too funny!

At least Karis is playing with a toy. . .Kendall is reading a Parents

magazine! I guess that is how she knows all my tricks!

Somewhere there is a little naked princess!

My sweet little Jack. . . he was content to play by

himself in the living room floor:)

What a sweet little boy!

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