Monday, July 28, 2008

Jack is 8 months old today!
We have been so blessed the last 8 months. . . this little guy is such a wonderful addition to our family! He has grown so much over the last 8 months. . . and way too fast. He is now sitting up on his own, eating solid food, he is not crawling yet, but he can move across the floor using his own method, he loves to give kisses, and he has a special way of stealing your heart! He is always smiling. . . as you can see from numerous pictures. . . he really is a sweet little boy! We love you baby Jack and look foward to many more of your amazing milestones:)

Jack sitting on the couch. . .don't worry

I was right there to catch him if he fell!

Yes, did I mention he is a genius. . .

reading (upside nonetheless) at 8 months old:)

What a sweet little guy. . .he gets so excited over things! I love it!

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