Friday, June 27, 2008

House Full!

Today was a first for me! Although I have three kids of my own, and am used to taming chaos, I had never attempted what I did this morning: 5 kids (all 4 and under) by myself! I watched some friends of ours little boy and girl (Preston and Emily). Of course I don't have to tell you that there was absolutely no schedule to our day. . .the kids spent most of the day playing (and having a blast). . .we did manage to sneak in a few necessary events. . lunch, potty, and for the two babies, naps! Yes, I admit that the kids had Mac n Cheese for lunch, which they loved, and had marshmallows as an afternoon snack, but at least they were fed. . . RIGHT! Overall the day was a success. . .we had loads of fun, everyone ate something, nobody got hurt, swallowed anything they were not supposed to, and I know there were a few hairs left on my head at the end of the day:) I guess what is really important is that we all survived the day and had loads of fun!!!

Kendall had a blast with Emily!

Emily finally passed out in the exersaucer. . .
I promise I did not leave her here for very long:)
She slept beside me on the couch while I fed Jack. . .and he napped, too!

Jack had to occupy a little of his own time. . .but he didn't mind!

Boys being boys! Of course dinosaurs!
Although I think "Cars" was the true hit of the day!

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